June 26, 2013

The Beginning.


restoration |ˌrestəˈrā sh ən|


the action of returning something to a former owner, place, or-condition 
• the process of repairing or renovating a building, work of art, vehicle, etc.so as to restore it to its original condition• the reinstatement of a previous practice, right, custom, or situation• Dentistry a structure provided to replace or repair dental tissue so as to restore its form and function, such as a filling, crown, or bridge.• a model or drawing representing the supposed original form of an extinct animal, ruined building, etc.
I have been restored, made whole, brought back together again, healed, redeemed. 
In the year 2011 my life drastically shifted from being the person I thought others wanted meto be to finally just being. The secret? Not trying.
I strived my entire life to fit in. Whether it be through dance, sports, church and of course,
school. The real me the person I knew inside that was never let out was stifled. I sought the attention of everyone else but never knew I belonged to the King.

Two years ago I recognized I was living a double life. I was double minded in that I thought I could enjoy the things of this world fully and be of this world. I thought I could believe in God but not engage in a full-hearted relationship with Him. I wanted the life of being an obedient disciple without letting go of being in control. It wasn't working out for me. I judged, I fought with hatred, and I thought I knew everything.

I wouldn't say that traded in my life of being a rebel and wanting my own way for the "good" life, but I did exchange the perspective I had of being "god", and chose a Kingdom perspective of a good God.

Don't get me wrong I have been a Christian my entire life but what happened in 2011 changed me. I stopped keeping my spiritual and physical life separate and even though I don't have it all together, I have learned what it means to trust the Living God, because He is good. All the time.

This has nothing and yet everything to do with the gospel. Without the gospel I wouldn't have a life to live, but with it I fight a battle to refuse to be branded as a "Christian", or "religious"etc. It's a harder battle to explain than over a blog, a journey I will take with God for the rest of my life.

This journey, my story, is inadvertently intertwined with every other human being in this world because of the redemption the Cross brought all of our lives, whether or not you believe in Jesus. However, the story of redemption that I want to continue living out my entire life, is learning how to understand others, love everyone around me for who they are, and never stop fighting to see Heaven on earth.

This is not a theological blog and I will try my hardest to post a variety of subjects. My theology is still in the process of forming, and I have this funny idea that I'll never arrive. I know that I know nothing. And for now, that's a good place to start because it puts God in control and my dreams in perspective.

It's a rainy day where I'm at, and symbolically I pray that whoever is reading this would feel the Holy Spirit afresh - just as the rain washes away the new, it also helps things grow. I am definitely in a season of growth, and its exciting!! I believe we are called as disciples of Christ to plant the seeds of love in everyone we meet, but its up to us, to everyone on their own, to give their heart to God so He can be the Gardner of life and tend to us individually.

Heaven, in my eyes, looks like a garden of souls blooming, growing, and giving life to one another. But how we get there is through redemption, through reconciliation, and through forgiveness. All these things which come when you give your heart over to the One who never leaves you, will help you realize we are not all that different from each other, we come from the same love, same God.

Bottom line, what I'm trying to say is that I believe this journey of restoration I am on is all about learning how to see others through a Kingdom perspective, learning how to love everyone with joy and grace daily.

This is the journey of the rest of my life....