July 12, 2013

Never Stop Dreaming

Since my time at Destiny House, I have seen almost everyone around me be launched into their dreams.

I wish I could write about how I have seen many people grow and learn from the Lord about the incredible destiny He has for them - but they're not my stories to tell...just yet.

I titled this post never stop dreaming because I have to remind myself of that very same thing everyday. It can be discouraging to feel like you've never actually stepped into your potential, calling or destiny. In my case I feel as though I am caught in some really thick and tough mud, but it's not too late since I have many more years to live & learn. I can see my destination at afar through a thick fog. But at least I know it's there...and that's the hope I have anchored in His promises for me (more about that in my previous post).

It's funny. When I was attending APU I took a class titled, Calling, Career, & Major Exploration because I had no idea what I wanted to study in order to accomplish my dreams. It actually took me from Applied Health to Business Admin & Graphic Design. A strange shift I am sure Jesus will make sense of later...

However, at this present moment I wish there was a class I could take about my destiny and the Lord's design for my life. Why is it that I must always know what He has planned for me?...it's like I am forever on this journey of learning how to truly trust...fully surrender.

Since changing my major and even more recently graduating APU, I've never taken my graphic design skills seriously. But the Lord is bigger than my limitations and caused me to be involved with graphic design in a new way every year of college. Whether it was a class, working for Christian Equippers International (CEI), designing Young Life/Rez Life flyers, or eventually working at the university print studio Evoke, what I thought was just a skill to refine my creativity turned into one of my greatest working assets.

"Of course He would."

I've caught myself saying this phrase quite often out of pure shock of the limitations I set on myself which have only ever held me back from stepping into my destiny and being great at something.

So what have you put a limitation on in your life that you've never let yourself succeed in? What is the  lie that keeps you frozen to go above & beyond - to soar in your calling?

I am reminded of a sermon I heard from Bill Johnson, yet again, about living from Heaven to earth. Out of the many things he said in this sermon he also talked about the art of waiting. He didn't say wait in laziness...waiting for God to move so you can just piggyback off of Him. Instead he described it as, being in movement, being in ambush of the Lord. Literally if you want something, position yourself in God's way so that He cannot refuse but to partner with you. He also talked about how draining waiting can seem, but that hope is a necessary heart posture to secure our identity in Father God during this time. He defined hope as the joyful anticipation of that which is good, and that any area that does not have that joyful anticipation is under a lie. Woah.

Scripturally speaking Romans 8:25 says:

"But if we look forward to something we don't yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently."

It takes a great measure of faith and trust to wait patiently and confidently. Truly we have this hope in the Lord because of his faithfulness, but I am reminded of a tangible example through King David's words in Psalm 25:3:

"No one who hopes in you will ever be put to shame, but shame will come on those who are treacherous without cause."

Because our God is a God who fulfills promises, we can be confident in our faith in Him because we will never be put to shame if we truly trust in Him. Again in Hebrews 11:1 it is written:

"Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see."

To "land this plane" I would like to share about how God has begun to use me through a skill which I never thought anyone would take seriously. Since being at Destiny House, I have begun to revamp, redesign and organize the website, newsletters, stationary, and social media among other things. At first I was scared to step out with my ideas and alterations but I challenged Him. I declared that if I was given the freedom to tackle the graphic design for Destiny House that He would provide me with the skill-set to do so. So far he's met me right where I am at...

A few days ago, I was also approached to create a book cover for someone (out of the blue). And not long before I even made Redding my new home I volunteered my skills for my friends wedding invitation design....what!? 

Oh yeah. Of course He would.

Then I took an even greater leap of faith and applied for a job, a web designer job to be specific. I am definitely under-qualified with hardly any experience. I just did it because the opportunity presented itself. Instead of getting largely rejected because of my designs or lack of experience, it just wasn't the right timing - and I'm okay with that. Shortly after finding that out, I was reviewing a prophesy someone spoke over me recently. It started off with a resounding, "You have what it takes!" There it is again. Whether I choose to believe it everyday or not it does not change...I do have what it takes. I have what it takes to be a phenomenal graphic designer, and even more than enough to step into the fullness of my destiny. I lack nothing. I lack nothing in Him.

After realizing this, you and I have no excuse to believe differently. However, I am currently practicing what it looks like to be, waiting patiently with hope in ambush of the Lord to receive the fullness of my destiny...and I challenge you to do the same. Mine looked like physically moving to Redding, what will yours be?

Dont give up on God, never stop dreaming. 

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